Virtual Jounral

Coping with a mental health condition is difficult. Journaling may help. Journaling can help you deal with stress, anxiety, depression, and bipolar disorder. Additionally, you can use your journal to help you recognize and improve your habits and behaviors.The best way to start journaling is to pick a convenient time to write every day and challenge yourself to write whatever comes to your mind for 15 minutes. Use your journal to process your feelings or work on your self-improvement goals.

This journal is a judgement-free zone. Give yourself permission to write whatever you’re feeling without policing your thoughts. Don’t attach negative emotions like guilt or embarrassment to what you write. You have every right to your thoughts and feelings. Don’t judge yourself for making this great step toward resolving your inner conflicts.

Get Started with your Journal
Coping with a mental health condition is difficult. Journaling may help. This journal is a judgement-free zone. Give yourself permission to write whatever you’re feeling without policing your thoughts.


If you are enrolled in Neurateq's Healthcare System it is easier than never to share pages, sections or your entire Journal with your providers, therapists and/or members of your care team. However, you don’t need to share what you’ve written with anyone unless you feel comfortable doing so.

Journaling may help you manage your mental health condition, but it’s not a substitute for other treatments. Continue to work with your therapist and take any medications your doctor has prescribed.