Mental Health Chatroom

Your options for mental health support depends on your readiness and resources. Neurateq Healthcare System provides ample resources , however you must be fully prepared to receive the help. You may not be ready or unsure of the benefits of therapy. And that is ok. Although more convenient and less costly than traditional therapy, virtual therapy still takes takes time, energy and calendar space. We understand. Neurateq's Chat Room was created because we want you to feel better right now. That’s where online peer support comes in.

A supportive online chat room can be your lifeline for mental health maintenance. 24 hours and 7 days a week a peer community for adults with mental illness. The Chat Room provides a casual, social atmosphere where members share their daily experiences and challenges of living with mental illness. Connecting with peers going through the same life struggle has been proven as useful in dozens of clinically validated research studies. In Neurateq's Mental Health Chat Rooms common bonds form easily over thoughts and feelings that are risky to share in real-life.

Note: This also is not a place to receive a diagnosis or treat anyone’s mental health.

Available Chatrooms
Neurateq's Chat Room was created because we want you to feel better right now.  A supportive online chat room can be your lifeline for mental health maintenance.
  • Neurateq technology takes the effort out of relating. You don’t have to search and comb through threads to find the right time or person to vent with or connect to — you can opt-in to automatically be connected with people who share the same or similar struggle. In result you’re not working hard to feel heard.
  • Moderators are extensively trained to give everyone the best experience–they’re just real people that have also had life experiences that want to understand and help.
  • Chat rooms are moderated in real-time to keep insensitive people out and keeping the discussions & connections on track. Moderating in real-time also avoids unexpected triggering or feelings of isolation.